Saturday, March 18, 2006


Tony Stewart - Atlanta

Tony Stewart, born 20 May 1971
Saturday, 18 March 2006
Theme: Letting off steam

Weak, transient effect: Today during the day there is a real danger of needless disputes, ou will find it difficult to handle other people firritability, emotionalism, rash action and hastiness, which may result in harm or inconvenience later. Yor awhile. One of the challenges now is to successfully let off steam without making an unnecessary shambles. If you frequently feel somewhat discouraged about yourself, you should be especially careful with this influence. You may see everything that comes your way as a threat and react much too defensively. If you have a bolder and more self-confident temperament, you may be inclined to act too quickly, to be hasty and overcritical of others. Or you may be accident prone. With this influence, you are not as careful as you should be, and you might hurt yourself.

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Theme:Hurt feelings
Through a careless remark, a slight clumsiness, or a wrong word without bad intent, you suddenly find yourself in an embarrassing situation, feel yourself hurt or belittled. If you react in an injured manner, demand apologies or become aggressive, this will only cause further, unnecessary pain for you. Despite this, you should not just compromise but rather think the incident over again, as it points to a particular area in which you are oversensitive and that could, under other circumstances, lead to a complete overreaction. The more you find out about this personal sensitivity the easier it will be to accept it and to make others aware of it.

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Big Baby Kyle Busch - Atlanta

**I thought about making up something really negative, but alas, Karma rules. I must tell the truth.

Saturday, 18 March 2006

**I thought about making up something really negative, but alas, Karma rules. I must tell the truth.

Saturday, 18 March 2006
Kyle Busch, born 2 May 1985
Theme: Favorable results ** ugh**
Your energies are high, you feel good, and you believe that you can do twice as much work as usual, which you probably can. This time is also favorable for most business activity, for your actions are blessed with insight that helps you succeed in business where others might fail. For the same reason, this is a good time for making decisions. You have a very clear sense of yourself and your needs, so that you can make decisions according to your best interests, in the largest and most enlightened sense of the phrase. If you must take chances or do something that you can't foresee the outcome of, this is as good a time as any. Your optimism now creates a positive energy that will attract favorable results from your gamble. Besides, you have the sense at this time to avoid any real risky ventures.

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Theme: Mental work This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work, especially if you have to plan a future course of action with decisiveness and firmness. You will be in a positive mood and have great confidence in your position, which will enable you to make a positive impression and probably convince people of your point of view. This influence also favors working with others in a cooperative planning venture. You can make plans together or hash out differences of opinion in such a way that you make your point without anyone else feeling threatened. This is a good time for traveling in connection with your work. Because your energy level is high, you are restless to get things done. During this couple of days you will feel confident of yourself, your ideas and the effect you make when talking with people.

**Clance's words not computer generated.

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Elliot Sadler - Atlanta

Saturday, 18 March 2006
Elliot Sadler, born 30 April 1975
Theme: A marvelous effect
This influence arouses the creative and romantic imagination, either giving you a greater appreciation for and sensitivity to beauty, with a strong desire to be surrounded by it, or sending you off into a pleasant daydream. If you experience the first response, make an effort to expose yourself to art, music or poetry today, because they will have a marvelous effect upon your consciousness. Aspects of reality and perception that you are normally not aware of are yours under this influence. Even placing yourself in beautiful surroundings, such as a pleasant country spot, a beautiful garden or a striking landscape, will have a very powerful effect upon you. In relationships this influence gives you an acute sensitivity to the needs and feelings of your loved ones.

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Theme: New horizons
Valid during several weeks: During this time you should attempt to broaden your horizons in every way possible ­ through study, new and unfamiliar experiences, travel or by meeting people from totally different backgrounds. Strive to make even the most trivial encounter a positive learning experience. The same function can be served by doing things that are different from your normal routine. This is not the time to retreat to your home, except for reading or study, as mentioned. If you cannot get interested in a new mental activity, recognize that you are still eager for new understanding and satisfy this need by breaking out of your everyday mold and getting out into the broader world. Travel would be a good way to do this, if you can arrange for it at this time of year. But you should go somewhere where you can also learn something.

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Dale Jarrett - Atlanta

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Dale Jarrett, born 26 November 1956
Theme: A pleasant day
This day is good for arranging and participating in social get- togethers. Spend time with friends and enjoy yourself. You probably won't want to talk about anything serious, because this is a light-hearted influence. Nevertheless, it is a good time for talking to loved ones and making it clear how you feel about them. Even if there are tensions within your relationships, this influence should enable you to discuss them, straighten them out and leave nothing behind but good feelings. If you do not have any work that has to be done, this is a good time for attending a concert, art exhibit or other intellectually stimulating activity. Or you might take a trip and spend the day in pleasant surroundings away from home. Whatever you do, this should be a light, pleasant day.

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Kurt Busch - Atlanta

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Kurt Busch, born 4 August 1978
Theme: **Don't trust anything your Big Mouth Baby Brother says**.
Be careful that people whom you have to deal with at this time represent themselves truthfully. Others will probably try to deceive you and if they do, the results could be even more discouraging. Don't let **his** desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen.

**Although other's may be fooled, I still know you are an Alien. I do think you are trying hard to become a human. I will give you that much credit. I even think you may become successful.

** Clance's words. This was not generated by the computer forecast.
The rest of the forecast is correct and accurate. Just like it was when he had that little issue in Phoenix. I think he is paying a bit more attention to his actions now.
I told you I may be needing a psych eval. I am starting to like him a little bit.

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Matt Kenseth - Atlanta

Saturday, 18 March 2006
Matt Kenseth, born 10 March 1972
Theme: The art of persuasion
Valid during several weeks: This influence puts you much more in touch with your own feelings and with the feelings of the people you encounter. You are able to sense others' moods and to shape your communications so that what you say fits in with their feelings. This ability is particularly useful when dealing with groups of people. This is an excellent time for talking to groups and trying to persuade them of your point of view. By the same token, you will listen unusually well to other people's problems. Others will sense your interest and may call on you to help them with their problems. But that will not bother you, because you are very concerned with experiencing emotional richness in your communications with others, especially by helping someone in this way.

Sunday, 19 March 2006

Theme: Hurt feelings
Through a careless remark, a slight clumsiness, or a wrong word without bad intent, you suddenly find yourself in an embarrassing situation, feel yourself hurt or belittled. If you react in an injured manner, demand apologies or become aggressive, this will only cause further, unnecessary pain for you. Despite this, you should not just compromise but rather think the incident over again, as it points to a particular area in which you are oversensitive and that could, under other circumstances, lead to a complete overreaction. The more you find out about this personal sensitivity the easier it will be to accept it and to make others aware of it.


Carl Edwards - Atlanta

Saturday, 18 March 2006
Carl Edwards, born 15 August 1979
Theme: No chance
At this time feelings, desires and moods pull you in a direction which is not very beneficial for you and could easily undermine your self-confidence. It is hard to say what form this actually takes. Maybe you buy some clothes in which you look a bit strange, or you challenge someone to a game which you have absolutely no chance of winning. One way or another you could be subconsciously determined to make yourself a laughing stock or show yourself up. It is possible that you do this not to yourself but, unintentionally, to someone else. Fortunately, this influence is very weak and lasts at most half a day.

Sunday, 19 March 2006

Theme: Thinking small
Valid during many months: This is a time of serious, heavy, even pessimistic thinking.
Communication with others becomes more significant, but also more difficult. In fact this influence often means saying goodbye. You take life more seriously than usual and look at things more seriously, but you run the risk of losing your sense of perspective. Your mental and intellectual viewpoint is narrowed by this influence. You are likely to concern yourself with a smaller range of ideas, but you are more likely to think about them thoroughly.
You are beginning a major new cycle of ideas and opinions, of communicating in new ways. This consumes your mental energy and limits your ability to range over a large number of topics. Also you root out old ideas and notions that have outlived their usefulness in your life. Your mind is very disciplined, but with this discipline and narrowing of focus there is the danger of thinking too narrowly. You may overlook important alternatives because of your tendency to concentrate single-mindedly at this time. Also, with your tendency toward depressed thoughts you may overlook possibilities that seem too idealistic or risky; probably they are not at all ­ it is just that you are thinking "small."
Nevertheless this is an excellent time for working a single idea through completely, planning very carefully and realizing ideas that can have important consequences many years from now.
When dealing with yourself and others, be careful that you do not become too concerned with an unattainable perfection. One effect of the this influence can be to make you too exacting and critical, with the result that you alienate others.


Greg Biffle - Atlanta

Saturday, 18 March 2006
Greg Biffle, born 23 December 1969

Today you will be able to project yourself with vigor and energy and to impress others with the force of your personality. Your general feeling of well-being enables you to get a lot of work done, if you choose, or to have a very good time just being yourself, if that is what you want. Your approach to your environment is positive and active. Instead of waiting for someone else to initiate action, you do it yourself. You take control of whatever situation you are involved in and make it work the way you want it to. Of course, you may encounter opposition, but if you handle it diplomatically, you should be able to win people over to your side. Above all with this influence, you will want to be uncompromisingly yourself. You don't want to play games with people, and you demand that other people be honest with you as well.

Sunday, 19 March 2006

This influence usually signifies a day of great activity in several areas of your life. You feel a great need to exercise your will and to determine where you are going and what you are doing. Often this is a day of hard work in your profession. But you will be motivated by tasks that relate to your own personal objectives. Therefore this can also be a day of conflict with others, arising from what they consider your selfishness and excessive self- involvement. Or as you pursue your own goals you may come into conflict with another whose goals are not in harmony with yours.
No matter which of these alternatives you encounter, this is a time for enlightened self- interest. But you must continually remember the people around you and be very careful not to alienate them any more than necessary.


Mark Martin - Atlanta

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Mark Martin, born 9 January 1959
Theme: Mentally active

This will be a mentally active day for you, because ideas and communications will come at you very quickly, and you will have to understand not only the surface communication but also the underlying meaning.
In talking with others, be particularly aware of any hints they may drop about their motivations. This influence tends to produce interactions with others that test the clarity of your thinking and force you to prove the validity of what you say. You certainly will not consider this a boring day. Unless your thinking and communications are very poorly thought out, you should be able to accomplish whatever you set out to. But there is also the possibility of arousing opposition to your purposes and ideas that could become very intense later on. That is why it is important to listen as well as to put forth your ideas.


Ryan Newman - Atlanta

Saturday, 18 March 2006
Ryan Newman, born 8 December 1977
Theme: A foggy day
Valid during several weeks: Today you may feel inclined to keep a secret or hold back information in order to avoid a confrontation with someone. It is not good to do this, because it will only contribute to the fog of confusion and unclarity that surrounds you during this time. For the same reasons, avoid any form of misrepresentation or distortion of the truth, even if you think it might be just politics to mislead someone. In every way you should strive to keep all your communication and thinking clear, lucid, factual and rooted in the real world.
If you try to avoid confrontations by acting evasively under this influence, you will run up against even more demoralizing confrontations later. Also be careful in any kind of negotiations or business dealings today, because you could be the victim of misrepresentation, even if you are not the perpetrator.

Sunday, 19 March 2006

Theme: Temptations
Be careful that people whom you have to deal with at this time represent themselves truthfully. Others will probably try to deceive you and if they do, the results could be even more discouraging. Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future.
During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen. Do not indulge in drugs or alcohol. Hiding with anything, won't help. Darkness always comes out into the Light.


Jimmy Johnson - Atlanta

Sunday, 19 March 2006
Jimmy Johnson, born 17 September 1975
Theme:Discordant emotions
Weak, transient effect: This influence, although not long lasting, can provide some moments of difficulty and irritation. Your emotions are discordant, and you may be more inclined to get into disagreements with others. This will probably have the greatest effect in your most personal life and career or co-workers. Consequently you should watch out for unnecessary conflicts.
In a group, you will not feel that your interests are in accord with the others' interests. It is not a good time to work with people or to make any kind of public appearance, if peace and harmony is your goal. However, if you are trying to stir people up about some issue or call their attention to circumstances that must be dealt with, this influence can be quite helpful, although the others may not appreciate your role in this.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


JJ Yeley ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
JJ Yeley 5 October 1976

Be careful that people whom you have to deal with at this time represent themselves truthfully. Others will probably try to deceive you and if they do, the results could be even more discouraging. Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen. You may even be tempted to take refuge in drugs or alcohol, but this is not the proper course.
During this time you feel vigorous and willing to work. At the same time, your self-confidence is unusually strong. You feel no need to struggle against others, because you know your normal energies will carry you through any situation. And since you are able to work from such a calm position, your work is more effective and more competent than usual. You do not feel violently competitive, but if someone offers a challenge, you won't back down. Therefore this is a good time for all types of athletics. You will enjoy the contest, but you will not feel driven to win at all costs. The game will seem satisfactory by itself. And you will carry this viewpoint over into all the activities you become involved in at this time. This is a favorable time for situations that require decisive action.


Ken Shrader ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Ken Shrader 29 May 1955

You will probably encounter tension today between your personal needs and your public and professional duties. You may feel that you are being pulled in two different directions that are almost impossible to pursue simultaneously. Events that happen today emphasize the polarity in your life, so that you have to distinguish continually between "myself" and "them," subjective and objective, conscious intention and unconscious impulses, public and private. At its worst, this influence can be quite difficult, and you may feel as though everything were breaking down. It all depends upon how much you have de-emphasized emotion and feeling in favor of rational intellect. On the other hand, if your feelings and your conscious intentions have taken the same direction, this can also be a day of high energy and achievement


Kenny Wallace ~ Las Vegas

Sunday, 12 March 2006
Kenny Wallace 23 August 1963

*** Sweeping changes

Valid during many months: Now is the time to make sweeping changes, not only in your consciousness, but also in the circumstances in which you live. Conditions that have been developing slowly will force major changes upon you now. If you are flexible, you will be able to start a whole new phase of life, even though you may have thought that the time for new starts in your life is past. You will have a new birth of awareness, and you will be able to deal with your life unhampered by old patterns of thought that have limited you.
But if you cannot adapt and be flexible, this will be a period of great turmoil and stress as you try desperately to hold on to circumstances, possessions and relationships that no longer have any real function in your life. What you are trying to save is not something real, it is only an illusion.
The impetus for change may come through persons who present you with many upsetting surprises, all of which show that your life is no longer what is was. The key point to recognize is that this process is not bad for you, it is just upsetting at first until you get into the flow of events. It can be quite exciting and will certainly inject an element of youth into your life again, with the advantage that now you will have the wisdom to handle it properly.


Casey Mears ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Casey Mears 12 March 1978

Happy birthday! Today the Sun returns to the position it was in when you were born.
As would seem appropriate with this transit, today is a day of new beginnings, and the influences you feel today will affect the entire year to come. However, this does not mean that the whole year will be disappointing if today doesn't work out exactly as planned. You are receiving a new impulse from the energy center within you, as symbolized by the Sun. Therefore any new venture that you start at this time will ride the crest of this new energy and will very likely come to an acceptable conclusion. Whatever you do or begin today will bear the stamp of your individuality more than anything else. This is the day to assert yourself anew.


David Stremme ~ Las Vegas

Sunday, 12 March 2006
David Stremme, born 19 June 1977

This will be a difficult time during which you will have to fight for your independence and the recognition you deserve. If you usually play down your achievements this influence will reinforce this tendency, leading to depressed moods and feelings of resignation and inadequacy. You may fear that some of your personal weaknesses and uncertainties are incompatible with your high self-expectations. If you are a fighter by nature your behavior may swing from periods of aggressive self-sufficiency interspersed with occasional breakdowns during which you will question both your aims and ability to achieve them, together with your whole sense of inner integrity.
You will suffer from not being able to change your spots to leave all your inhibitions and weaknesses behind, and might feel that your vulnerability and uncertainty are severe disabilities which you would rather not admit to having. This influence touches on painful experiences where we have the feeling that we have somehow failed, or situations in which we have suffered rejection at the hands of our father or some other figure of authority. These and similar experiences can form the basis of a deep sense of uncertainty and extreme vulnerability. In later life we then overcompensate in some areas while erecting strong emotional defenses in others. These are the underlying causes of any difficulties and tensions which you are now suffering. To gain something positive from this influence you need to come to terms with these painful experiences and the often unbearable embarrassment they cause, and to learn to see them as something positive. Try to accept whatever happens and to adopt a more relaxed attitude that will enable you to integrate these aspects into your life.


Bobby Labonte ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Bobby Labonte 8 May 1964

This can be a time for creatively transforming the world around you, or it can be a time of fierce power struggles and disagreements. These are the two poles that this influence swings between. It arouses your ambitions and makes you want to get ahead. Your energy level is very high, and you can use it to get a lot of work done. But unfortunately you will have a tendency to go about your work in such a way that you arouse great opposition from the people you confront. Or you may have to confront someone else's energies, which may result in your taking a different course of action from what you originally intended. The energies of this influence can also lead to being the victim of someone else's ruthlessness. Therefore you should avoid dangerous places and violent people.


Kyle Petty ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Kyle Petty 2 June 1960

Your ego energies are high, which means that you can stand up for yourself against almost anyone today. You have great confidence and will not easily allow someone to take advantage of you. Unfortunately this may also mean that you will get into fights and arguments. Try to remember that other people have egos too. You don't have to defeat others in order to maintain yourself. You should be especially careful in your dealings with supervisors. They will not expect you to be as assertive toward them as you are likely to be today. You have a great deal of physical energy also, which means you can work hard and long. If you use these energies intelligently, you should be able to accomplish far more worthwhile work than on other days.
** I took this picture in Las Vegas several years ago.
99 or 2000 I think. I found a bunch of old rolls of film I never developed the other day.


Michael Waltrip ~ Las Vegas

Sunday, 12 March 2006
Michael Waltrip 30 April 1963

You feel contented and benevolent under this influence. You are at peace with the world and want to share your feelings with everyone whom you meet. Friends, in particular, may be the beneficiaries of your generosity, as you may benefit from theirs. In either case you both will benefit, because everything done under this influence becomes a fair exchange in the long run. This time is favorable for all financial enterprises, especially those involving foreign investments, medicine or the law. Any legal matters decided during this time will also work out to your benefit. A new friendship or love relationship that begins now will be beneficial. Such a relationship will bring out your best qualities and can truly be described as a growth relationship. You are attracted to high-minded and upright people.

This next aspect starts tomorrow in Mikeys life and lasts for several months. I thought it would be interesting to post today and then keep an eye on it.

Incidents and red faces...
Valid during many months: This influence indicates no particular event, but rather a small, hardly noticeable incident that one could so easily overlook or cover up that in many cases it is not really consciously acknowledged and therefore remains unrecognized. Such an incident is to be expected while window shopping, at the cinema or theater, enjoying the nightlife or otherwise amused. Friends, acquaintances, or perhaps your partner are possibly with you. Through a careless remark, a slight clumsiness, or a wrong word without bad intent, you suddenly find yourself in an embarrassing situation, feel yourself hurt or belittled. Characteristically, only you are affected, as a particular sensitivity was disturbed - therefore the others will probably not have noticed anything.
If you react in an injured manner, demand apologies or become aggressive, this will probably only cause further, unnecessary pain for you. As you have already often experienced similar situations before, and are presumably aware of the fact that this incident was completely unintended, you will keep yourself under control, keep quiet about the affair and not let it show. It is probably better this way - why spoil everyone's fun just at this moment? Nevertheless, you should not just leave things at that and should later, at the right moment, talk it over with your partner or someone else close to you. You should at the very least find a quiet moment to think over the incident, as it points to a particular oversensitivity and could, under other circumstances, lead to a complete overreaction. The more you find out about this personal sensitivity the easier it will be to accept it. Then you could go one step further and explain this singularity to your friends or partner, so that they know what to watch out for.


Denny Hamlin ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006 for Denny Hamlin
18 November 1980

Today you may feel inclined to keep a secret or hold back information in order to avoid a confrontation with someone. It is not good to do this, because it will only contribute to the fog of confusion and unclarity that surrounds you during this time. For the same reasons, avoid any form of misrepresentation or distortion of the truth, even if you think it might be politic to mislead someone. In every way you should strive to keep all your communication and thinking clear, lucid, factual and rooted in the real world. If you try to avoid confrontations by acting evasively under this influence, you will run up against even more demoralizing confrontations later. Also be careful in any kind of negotiations or business dealings today, because you could be the victim of misrepresentation, even if you are not the perpetrator.


Kevin Harvick ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Kevin Harvick 8 December 1975

At its highest, this influence indicates an unusual degree of selflessness in love. In personal relationships, the need to care for someone else may mean that you will not get immediate gratification other than the pleasure of helping someone you love. If your relationship is basically sound, this influence will assure greater rewards of love and satisfaction later. Although this is a time for self-denial in love relationships, do not fall into the negative trap of playing martyr. Do not inflict on others, especially the ones you are helping, a constant awareness that you are "unselfishly" devoting yourself to them. This will undo your efforts and create trouble. If you cannot service with a true spirit of selfless devotion, do nothing.

Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen.


Jamie McMurray ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Jamie McMurray 3 June 1976

This influence can signify a critical time in your communications with the people around you, particularly those with whom you are intimately involved. The danger is that your feelings and emotions will overwhelm your rational intellect, making your thinking so subjective that no one else will be able to relate to what you say. Nevertheless you have a strong need to communicate about your emotions. You should avoid dealing with controversy by changing your own views every time someone disagrees with them. You will tend now to change your views according to the prevailing wind, but this may result in compromising yourself if the people you have "agreed" with compare viewpoints. However, it is natural for your opinions to be in a state of flux at this time. Just be honest about admitting it.

Be careful that people whom you have to deal with at this time represent themselves truthfully. Others will probably try to deceive you and if they do, the results could be even more discouraging. Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen. You may even be tempted to take refuge in drugs or alcohol, but this is not the proper course.


Kasey Kahne ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Kasey Kahne 10 April 1980

Theme: Sharing the day
Today you tend to attract circumstances, persons or objects, including money, that can be useful later on. This is a spontaneously "lucky" influence.
The quotation marks around "lucky" mean that it is not so much luck that helps you as your attitude of relaxation and willingness to let your life flow without the tension of resistance. Many things are prevented from entering people's lives because they are too tense to let them in. At other times you might unconsciously alienate a potentially helpful person, or you might be too cautious or overlook an opportunity because of tension. This influence helps to prevent such negative states of consciousness.
This is an extremely favorable influence for close relationships and one-to-one encounters of any sort. A marriage or love relationship should go smoothly today, with both of you showing a great deal of affection. If there are any difficulties between you, smooth them out today, because neither of you will want to argue. You will both be much more interested in making peace. This is also an excellent time to make an agreeable impression on someone new. If you have to work within a partnership, where keeping the peace is an important factor in your success, this is an excellent day. Any persons who are normally difficult to deal with will be easy to handle today. This is not a good time to be alone. You are in the mood for relating, and the day will not be complete in any way unless you share it.


Robby Gordon ~ Las Vegas

Sunday, 12 March 2006
Robby Gordon 2 January 1969

This is not a good time to make decisions or to embark upon a course of action that requires clear thinking. Subconscious influences are often very strong during this time, and they can distort your views in just about any area. Old points of view, habits picked up in childhood, prejudices ­ all can mislead you under this influence.

However, this influence ends today and the influences over the next few weeks change to the dramatically positive starting tomorrow.


Joe Nemechek ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006 for Joe Nemechek
26 September 1963

During this time you should be careful and keep a tight rein on yourself - especially if you are anyway of a spirited disposition. If you are after some kind of "conquest", it is quite possible that under this influence you ignore warning signs and advance too directly and abruptly. There is also the danger, at the moment, that you scent competition or opposition where there is none. If you are too sensitive and quick- tempered, take every criticism personally and react in an offended manner, then around every corner is an enemy, every conversation can turn into an argument in which you finally, without reason, and probably without conscious intent, hurt others and are presumably yourself hurt to the same extent.


Martin Truex Jr. ~ Las Vegas

Sunday, 12 March 2006
Martin Truex JR 29 June 1980

This is an excellent day for engaging in new activities and for making discoveries about yourself and the world around you. Your life now has an exciting quality that is not always present. Take advantage of this excitement to learn about yourself in ways that are not usually possible. Your heightened perception of your world will help you make changes with a complete understanding of how the various parts of your life are interrelated. This is a good influence for studying any discipline that can reveal new and stimulating aspects of the universe. It favors the study of science, technical disciplines, astrology or other branches of the occult. You want to broaden your understanding, and the more exciting your study, the more actively you will pursue it.
(major aspects staring this afternoon and leading into tomorrow)
This influence usually denotes a brief period of good feelings and generosity toward others. This morning you feel that everything is all right, and you have nothing to fear. You express your self- confidence by being above petty irritations. Not easily angered, you tolerate even the most harsh behavior from other people. But you probably won't have to contend with "harsh behavior," because the energy of this influence does not arouse it in those around you. You will get what you give ­ kindness, friendship and nurturing support. This influence can also awaken your concern for the deeper aspects of life. You may seek metaphysical and spiritual insights, but with your heart rather than your mind. Rational knowledge is not likely to satisfy you at this time.


Dale Earnhardt Jr. ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Dale Earnhardt Jr. 10 October 1974

Theme: Daydreaming and setting personal goals, balancing who you really are.
Valid during many months: This influence will make it easier for you to contact the world of your dreams and fantasies. This may not be especially apparent when carrying out your daily routine, except perhaps if your occupation allows you to express your creative side in some way. If this is the case, this could be an inspirational time in which you could feel unable to keep track of the overwhelming flood of images emerging from your unconscious. This time will also be positive for you if your work involves caring for those suffering from physical and emotional pain, because it makes you more sensitive, helping you to understand many of the underlying causes of human suffering which are incomprehensible to the rational mind.
This influence will also help you to better understand problematic issues which you would usually rather ignore. It would probably do you good to get away from the rough and tumble of everyday life occasionally, giving your mind the chance to wander. Images from your childhood and adolescence could come to you during times of withdrawal, and these could bring back both beautiful and painful memories. This soothing time will help you see painful memories in a new light, making it easier for you to forgive those people who hurt you. Releasing yourself from your inner hurt will also increase your sense of freedom.

A compulsive quality lies in your concious and unconcious mind. This is a very significant time in your inner and outer personal life.
This influence intensifies your emotional expression throughout the day and makes your relationships more intense. You will feel your love for someone quite strongly today, and you will be able to express it meaningfully to your loved one. Sexual desire is also stimulated by this influence, but only as part of the overall emotional intensification. A new relationship that starts under this influence is likely to be quite intense. You feel drawn to another as if by magical power, because the other person represents something inside you that needs expression through a love relationship. It is really the power of your own psyche that you feel. Such a relationship can be quite good, although it is desirable that the compulsive quality wear off before you settle down to a long-term relationship.


Jeff Gordon ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Jeff Gordon 4 August 1971

This influence stimulates your physical vitality, giving you the chance to work hard and accomplish much. Your health is good during this time, and you are able to approach everything you do with vigor and self-confidence. And this carries over to the psychological level as well, as an ability to assert yourself toward others and stand up for your views in any controversy. New opportunities to be personally effective often open up under this influence. For example, in your job you might get a chance to take on an important responsibility, which will lead later to a promotion or increased salary. This is a good time to demonstrate that you can work on your own and do it well. But you can also work with groups now, because your energies complement the group's energies.


Kyle Busch - Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Kyle Busch
2 May 1985

This influence can bring with it a deeply satisfying, liberating experience; perhaps you will simply enjoy yourself with more gusto and freedom than usual and take pleasure in life. There may be a very meaningful encounter during this time - with your partner, someone close to you, or someone whom you have never met before. This encounter will be so deep and personal that you will have the opportunity to perceive and possibly even discuss things about yourself that you have preferred to suppress up to now, and not reveal to anyone. Thus, you have the chance to behave differently and, for once, to act out of character and acknowledge your injury or sensitivity, without having to fear being hurt or rejected once more. New connections made today may be beneficial in the future. This influence would be a good sign of success.Financial transactions are favored during this time, and you should be able to negotiate in business to your advantage.
In general under this influence you will feel that life is going more easily than usual, that with little effort everything is going as it should.

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