Sunday, March 19, 2006
Robby Gordon, Casey Mears, and Kyle Petty
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Robby Gordon, born 2 January 1969
During this time a particular sore point of yours is disturbed, a sensitivity or vulnerability that you may not be aware of. So it may well be that you react as you have perhaps always reacted to such situations: You are distressed, hurt, you distance yourself and forget the incident as quickly as possible. If you do not react by withdrawing as you usually do, but instead show that you have been hurt, you will earn the freedom to behave differently in this, for you, typical situation. That is, of course, easier said than done, but this influence offers you an outstanding opportunity to stand far enough outside yourself to show your own injuries. If you recognize the situation in question and react to it, you will win new strength and confidence.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Casey Mears, born 12 March 1978
You should formulate objectives for long-range efforts at this time. Find out what you want to change about yourself and your world and get to work on those changes. The energy you have now will allow you to keep up a sustained effort for a long time. At work you may be given an opportunity to wield more power and thereby be more effective personally. But if you work solely for your own benefit now, you will sow the seeds of your own undoing later on. You should work for your own good and for the social good by identifying your own needs with those of society. If you do this, you will be given considerable credit for what you do. Sometimes this influence brings an opportunity to understand your motivations and to operate from this new understanding.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Kyle Petty, born 2 June 1960
Theme:Tacit agreements
Valid during several weeks: During this time you will find it necessary to subordinate your desire for amusement to the needs of the present. In your relationships it may be necessary to confront difficulties that you have not handled earlier. Sometimes problems in relationships arise when tacit agreements are not clear to both partners. This is a good time to discuss those agreements openly. This influence is good for all matters relating to your work or profession. During this time you should enjoy good relationships with both superiors and employees. You understand how good interrelationships make it all work well. You are willing to work with others to resolve any difficulties that may arise. You may gain financial or other favors, quite unexpectedly, from your employer.
Labonte, Dale JR and Jeff and Kasey
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Jeff Gordon, born 4 August 1971
Theme: Unconscious drives
This is a time when you emotionally identify with your possessions or whatever you value. This can lead to a very strong attachment to material objects and a general attitude of possessiveness about them, which can be a problem if someone needs to borrow something of yours, for instance. Or you may unconsciously identify with your own value system to such an extent that you feel every challenge to it as a direct challenge to yourself. You may have to defend yourself in areas where you really have nothing at stake. Traditionally this influence is considered to be a bad time to spend money, because your attitudes toward possessions are so conditioned by unconscious drives that you are not likely to make an intelligent decision about buying something based upon your real needs.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Dale Earnhardt Jr., born 10 October 1974
Theme: Common-sense answers
Theme: Common-sense answers
Weak, transient effect: This morning you will keep your emotions under control, not in a repressive, negative manner, but in a way that enables you to take a more sober and realistic view of life. You are able to put up with considerable adversity and strain during this time because it gives you patience and reserve strength. While you are not inclined to talk about your feelings to just anyone, you do not evade them in yourself. You may very well go off by yourself at this time to think about and evaluate your development. If you have a problem, seek out an older person whose wisdom you respect, who can offer emotional support and suggest practical and immediate answers. You need common-sense answers now that can be applied directly.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Kasey Kahne, born 10 April 1980
Theme: "Something different"
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you feel impulsive and willing to act rashly. Your moods change so quickly that you surprise yourself as well as others. You may be with someone else who is like this, usually a woman. Probably you will be impatient with your normal routine and want to do something completely different. Assuming that the "something different" is within reason, it is probably all right to go ahead. In fact you might as well not bother trying to be disciplined and responsible for the next few hours. If you have work to do that requires great concentration, you won't be able to keep your mind on it, or you will do a sloppy job. Usually this is not a sign of conflict, but if someone is trying to hold you back from expressing your impulses, you may get angry at him or her.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Bobby Labonte, born 8 May 1964
Theme: High demands
This is an excellent time for working with others in a team effort, as long as you are a leader within the team or are given a lot of independent initiative. It is also important that the people you work with are energetic and can do their share of the work. You would be very impatient with anyone who is slower or less energetic than yourself. With respect to your immediate environment, you are likely to feel more self-assertive than usual. This can be a good time for telling people how you feel about anything, for you are not willing to let others get away with intruding on your rights. Usually the energy of this influence is mellow enough that you can make yourself clear without causing a fight. In fact, people will probably respect you for your honesty.