Saturday, May 20, 2006


Tony Stewart Astro Personality Portrait and 6 month forecast

Happy Birthday Tony!!

Here is Tony's Astrological Personality Portrait based on his Natal Chart.

Tony Stewart born on 20 May 1971
Columbus, IN (US) U.T. 17:00 85w55, 39n12

The natal chart is based on a birth time of 12 noon which gives us the closest astro portrait without his actual moment of birth.

Sun in Taurus, Moon in Aries

You were born with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Aries. Some of your most outstanding traits are perseverance, stubbornness, and practicality. You are ambitious and want to achieve permanence in life. In your search for security, you always proceed from a solid base. But changes, unforeseen events, and reforms can threaten your stability.
Your reasoning is very clear and follows definite and acceptable patterns. Warm-hearted and kind, you have great patience in enduring misfortune and you readily sympathize with others. However, when something tries your patience, you are apt to become violent without warning.
At some point in your life you will undoubtedly organize and conduct some significant enterprise and achieve a position of prominence.
The key to a better integration of your real self lies in harmonizing your material objectives with your personality role.

Ascendant in Leo, Sun in the Tenth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Leo was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler the Sun is located in the tenth house.
People with Leo in the Ascendant seem to possess a flair for the life of nobility and regality. Your life will be in many ways influenced by decisions you make that have been motivated by your pride, desire for power, for authority, and your need to convince others of your courage.
In life you will act with a rather frank, generous, and amiable disposition. The course of events in your life will unfold themselves swiftly, and a life full of chance and circumstances will be the outcome of your desire to rule, to organize, to hold the keys of authority. You should be aware that as a result of overly strong impulses there is the danger of failures and upsets in life. You will be generally regarded as an amiable, sincere and generous person who, however, has much pride and sensitivity. Egocentricity is one of the prices of being born with the Ascendant sign of Leo. Another aspect of this zodiacal sign is that your personality becomes excessively charged with passion and sexual desire. On the other hand, these zodiacal signs grant in life a large dose of vitality as well as a fine physical shape and a strong, healthy constitution.
Willpower is a characteristic of your personality. You seek opportunities and when you find them you go to it, using both your mind and your emotions to strive for success with zeal and determination. You are very self-assured and you implement ideas with a self- assurance that lets nothing get in your way of success.
It would be beneficial to you, however, if you were not so candid and frank and if you did not expect others to act and feel as you do.
Leo will grant you very sincere and affectionate relationships in which you desire to bring happiness and an overall feeling of charitable spirit and warmth to your loved one. In your sexual relationships you appear as happy, strong, playful and even a little innocent.
You will always act better as a leader than a subordinate.
The Sun here denotes that there are great possibilities for honor and success in life and for obtaining privileged relationship from persons of power. During the middle age you will have the opportunity to experience the most important event of your life; one which can bring fortune and prosperity, proper means of earning a livelihood, and the ability to become totally independent and successful.
Your negative tendencies are arrogance and pride.

Moon in the Eighth House

The Moon was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. Since the Moon has intense qualities of perception, you may find that gradually there is an awakening of interests in sexual matters, psychic and spiritualistic research, and much mental speculation with ideas concerning the possibilities of existence after death.
At some point of your existence there will be possibilities of inheritance through members of the female sex or the maternal side of your family.

Venus in the Ninth House

Venus was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. Your mind appears as very adaptable, gentle, peace-loving and tactful. This position indicates that the secret for your ability to reach a state of harmony and emotional balance may come through the use of your higher mental powers. You have been born with an exquisitely refined, artistic mind which has a very subtle appreciation of all that has to do with culture. Your disposition is kind, congenial, gentle and sympathetic and you have a natural ability to assist other individuals.
This position gives you much social intercourse with intellectual persons and success derived therefrom.
Merely minor disabilities will affect you in your intellectual endeavors. The worst that could happen would be an overly inquisitive, indecisive nature that never seems to be satisfied. However, you have within you the ability to avoid these psychological obstacles.

Saturn in the Tenth House

Saturn was found in the tenth house at the time of birth. This a very challenging position for a person who seeks worldly success. The inhibiting powers of Saturn are expressed in a heavy, cautious, and very serious personality. Many of the limitations that will arise throughout life result from your own psychological disposition which is oriented to narrow bounds. The key to a satisfactory solution of the various problems that will arise throughout life lies in your ability to endure difficulties with patience.
Inwardly there are ambitions, aspirations, and thrift; properly projected these psychological characteristics could yield power, an image of pride, and a perpetual craving for material objects and worldly wealth.

Tony Stewart (male) born on 20 May 1971
local time 12:00 noon in Columbus, IN (US) U.T. 17:00 85w55, 39n12
sid. time 03:07:07

Planetary positions planet sign degree house motion

Sun Taurus 29°01'40 10 direct
Moon Aries 07°08'38 08 direct
Mercury Taurus 03°39'10 09 direct
Venus Taurus 02°37'50 09 direct
Mars Aquarius 08°14'36 06 direct
Jupiter Sagittarius 01°55'54 04 retrograde
Saturn Taurus 26°20'57 10 direct
Uranus Libra 09°45'47 02 retrograde
Neptune Sagittarius 01°46'54 04 retrograde
Pluto Virgo 27°03'55 02 retrograde
True Node Aquarius 18°08'05 06 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)

Ascendant Leo 25°24'37
2nd House Virgo 18°21'13
3rd House Libra 16°18'33
Imum Coeli Scorpio 19°14'03
5th House Sagittarius 24°09'40
6th House Capricorn 26°46'46
Descendant Aquarius 25°24'37
8th House Pisces 18°21'13
9th House Aries 16°18'33
Medium Coeli Taurus 19°14'03
11th House Gemini 24°09'40
12th House Cancer 26°46'46

Major aspects

Sun Opposition Jupiter 2°54
Sun Conjunction Saturn 2°41
Sun Opposition Neptune 2°45
Sun Trine Pluto 1°58
Sun Square Ascendant 3°37
Moon Sextile Mars 1°06
Moon Trine Jupiter 5°13
Moon Opposition Uranus 2°37
Moon Trine Neptune 5°22
Mercury Conjunction Venus 1°01
Mercury Square Mars 4°35
Mercury Quincunx Jupiter 1°43
Mercury Quincunx Neptune 1°52
Venus Square Mars 5°37
Venus Quincunx Jupiter 0°42
Venus Quincunx Neptune 0°51
Mars Trine Uranus 1°31
Jupiter Opposition Saturn 5°35
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune 0°09
Jupiter Sextile Pluto 4°52
Saturn Opposition Neptune 5°26
Saturn Trine Pluto 0°43
Saturn Square Ascendant 0°56
Neptune Sextile Pluto 4°43
Tony's six month forecast:

Pluto trine Ascendant:
Theme: A higher quality

Beginning of March 2005 until end of September 2007:
This is a time of creative change in your relationships. You have the opportunity to be either the agent of the changes or the object of them. Probably you will be both to some extent.
On the other hand you may experience an increase in personal power with this influence. You will have the chance to exert an influence on others either because you are in a position of some power or because your own personal vibration influences people and changes their lives. However, it is important to use this power for the general good, because it does not adapt well to purely egoistic purposes.
During this time you will seek a higher quality and greater intensity in all your experiences. You are not even remotely attracted to superficial qualities, either in people or in experiences. You need to feel with every ounce of your emotion that every encounter changes you at the deepest core of your being.
To this end you may draw people to you who are very intense and who have a very strong effect upon your mind. However, with this influence these relationships are usually quite constructive rather than difficult. Even under the best of conditions, some of what you learn about yourself may not be very pleasant until you learn to accept it, but it usually isn't so bad, even if you think it is.
Under any circumstances the overall effect of these encounters is to broaden your self- understanding and increase your capacity for complete self-expression. There may be changes in your life at this time, and your relationships may be considerably altered, but this is only so that you may experience a regeneration that will keep your life from becoming stale and dead.

Saturn trine Moon:
Theme: Mutual reinforcement

Beginning of September 2005 until mid June 2006:
This influence indicates a time of equilibrium in your life, when the demands of the world are in balance with your emotional needs. Emotional maturity and past experiences have prepared you for this, and now you can put your understanding to work to make your life run more smoothly. Tensions that in the past have seemed to pull you in opposite directions are now working in balance and harmony.
At this time your emotional attitude is sober. Your mental state is relatively quiet, and you can see objectively what is true for you, what your needs are and how much you can give and get from others. Your domestic life and your work reinforce each other, and you are able to attend to both without sacrificing either.
Now is a good time to take care of any business matters concerning your home and personal life, such as buying or selling real estate, making home repairs, reorganizing your finances and making provisions for the future. On both the psychological and material levels you are unusually well organized, and your plans should work out successfully.
Older people, especially women, may give you great insight and understanding. Your own emotional attitudes are "older" at this time. You take advantage of other people's insights of age.
Pluto square Pluto:
Theme: Which category?

Beginning of February 2006 until beginning of December 2007:
This is a period of general regeneration, which may not be entirely pleasant. Most of us are attached to the past whether or not it is good for us. And this influence will root out precisely those elements of the past that are not good for you, even those aspects that you have forgotten about. Problems that you may have lost track of entirely but which are still working unconsciously in your life may reappear and become active now, usually but not always to your detriment.
This influence is associated with forces for change that are inherent within the hidden depths of things. Therefore you should not blame the unpleasant changes that occur now on circumstances or persons in your environment. Look within yourself to see how the groundwork for the present is laid in the past.
Many things may be destroyed at this time, and the destruction will be ruthless if you defend them with rigidity. The action of this influence upon unyielding entities is particularly harsh. Therefore you should simply allow the things of the past to fade and allow the future to be born on their ruins. If you can do this, the potential for positive change is very great.
This influence may also increase your concern about the creative and regenerative processes within the universe and cause you to become interested in the occult. However, certain aspects of the occult, such as magic, are best avoided during this time, because the energies involved will be difficult to control now. Although your conscious mind may be in control at first, you are likely to find that entirely unconscious forces within you have taken over and are running you completely. This can have disastrous consequences.
You may also get into severe power struggles with people who are trying to prevent the changes in your life or who are trying to expedite changes that you are resisting. Look very carefully to ascertain which category they are in.

Jupiter conjunction IC
Theme: Your inward needs

Mid February 2006 until beginning of October 2006:

This is a time for expansion and growth in your innermost personal life, a time when you will seek security at home and with your immediate family. It may be necessary to reexamine your past life to find out what it can teach you about yourself. But this should not be a source of anxiety. In fact, you should feel quite good about what you learn at this time. Your parents may be able to assist you considerably in this process.
The symbolism of this influence is that you incorporate more and more of the outer world into your innermost life. Certainly it would be a good expression of this symbolism to improve your existing home and make it more comfortable.
At this time you should do everything to ensure that your personal life is as comfortable and secure as possible. You need to have a feeling of inner peace and security in order to continue to move out in the world. In fact you should not think so much about outward success now as about the more personal and inward needs that we have discussed here.
This is the time to tie up any loose ends in your personal life, straighten out any relationships that are not working well, any leftovers from your past life that are still affecting the present adversely. To do this you may have to speak to others very openly about yourself and your innermost thoughts.
So this is a good time to settle and put down roots. The feeling of belonging to a place and a group of people is very important to you now. You don't have to do this in a way that limits your freedom of movement, and during this time it is very unlikely that you will do so. But everyone needs a solid home base so that they can feel at peace in their other activities. If you don't make an effort to construct such a base now, you will have difficulty later when your principal concerns are turning elsewhere.

Neptune square MC:
Theme:Apparent defeats

Beginning of March 2006 until end of December 2007:

This time in your life is likely to be confusing and full of doubt and fear, if you are not very secure about your life direction. You will ask fundamental questions about what you are trying to do with your life as a whole. And if you, like many people, are not living for yourself and your own objectives, you will probably conclude that what you are doing is worthless and pointless. Even at best you will question your planned course.
In dealing with others, you may find it difficult to stand up for your own position because you are questioning it so much yourself. You may allow yourself to become the victim of other people, simply because you lack the confidence to fight back. But a far worse effect of this influence is that you might get into a routine of making yourself seem to be victim in order to gain others' sympathy. It is difficult to take responsibility when you are feeling insecure. For this same reason there is a strong temptation to avoid direct confrontations with others for fear that you cannot stand up to them. Therefore you may try to get what you want from people in covert or subversive ways, usually involving some kind of dishonesty. Needless to say, this will only worsen your insecurity, not give you more confidence.
But all of the above concerns the worst side of this influence, which does have something positive to teach you. Even as you suffer apparent defeats, you may discover that what you are losing is not really anything significant. You may learn that the needs of your ego are not your real needs at all. Under this influence some persons find a capacity for selfless action and spiritual self-denial that makes it impossible for them ever to lose in a way that hurts them. In that case you will learn that there is really nothing to lose. This influence can be the gateway to a very highly evolved spiritual understanding, and it is quite likely that you will become increasingly involved with spiritual teachings and disciplines. However, it is possible to go off the deep end spiritually, and this influence may very well delude you into doing so. But in the long run this is one of its less dangerous traps.

Jupiter square Ascendant:
Theme:On the lookout

An approaching transit, from 30 October 2006, until 8 November 2006:

This is usually an excellent time for most kinds of relationships, but there are some pitfalls. Basically this influence signifies a desire to grow and advance through contacts with others. Probably you are willing to give as much as you get, although in some people this influence triggers a desire for advantages through others without giving anything in return. In fact as they get ahead, such people act arrogantly toward everyone, even those who helped them. This causes others to reject them, and when they hit hard times there is no one to help them out.
But this result is totally unnecessary, and all you have to do to avoid it is to keep a sense of humility and recognize what others have done for you. With this influence you have the potential to become a truly better person, but only if you keep these warnings in mind.
Quite frequently this influence brings a seemingly "lucky" chance through a friend or associate. But it is not luck so much as the fact that you are very sharply on the lookout for opportunities that can benefit you. Your sense of timing is very acute, and your sensitivity to others and their needs is greater than usual. That is one reason why it is so bad to ignore others' needs, because you don't even have the excuse of ignorance.
Benefits can come to you in either your personal and domestic life or in your work. There may be an opportunity to make money or to make improvements in your home that will make it much more pleasant. Or you may meet people who will help you learn more about the world and expand your view of it in various ways. You have to be willing to let this happen, however, which means you must be receptive. This is another area in which being arrogant brings the risk that you will get nothing of lasting value out of this period.

Planetary positions planet sign degree house motion
Sun~Taurus29°01'4010 direct
Moon~ Aries07°08'3808 direct
Mercury ~Taurus03°39'1009 direct
Venus ~Taurus02°37'5009 direct
Mars~ Aquarius08°14'3606 direct
Jupiter~ Sagittarius01°55'5404 retrograde
Saturn~Taurus26°20'5710 direct
Uranus~Libra09°45'4702 retrograde
Neptune~Sagittarius01°46'5404 retrograde
Pluto~Virgo27°03'5502 retrograde
True Node~Aquarius18°08'0506 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
2nd HouseVirgo18°21'13
3rd HouseLibra16°18'33
Imum CoeliScorpio19°14'03
5th HouseSagittarius24°09'40
6th HouseCapricorn26°46'46
8th HousePisces18°21'13
9th HouseAries16°18'33
Medium CoeliTaurus19°14'03
11th HouseGemini24°09'40
12th HouseCancer26°46'46

Pluto trine Ascendant, 8 March 2005 - 28 Sep 2007
Saturn trine Moon, 4 Sep 2005 - 12 June 2006
Pluto square Pluto, 7 Feb 2006 - 3 Dec 2007
Jupiter conjunction IC, 13 Feb 2006 - 10 Oct 2006
Neptune square MC, 4 March 2006 - 31 Dec 2007
Jupiter square Ascendant, 30 Oct 2006 - 8 Nov 2006

And now...calling all wanna-be Tony Helmet Lickers...
Tony's Astro Lovin' Tendencies:

Ascendant in Leo

With this Ascendant, you have an affable, affectionate nature, emphasizing physical expression. The physical love you seek is rather playful and childlike, and others see you as outgoing and friendly.You seem to have an open, straightforward nature without too much complexity: self- confident and charming, with an honest natural social grace. This may reflect your inner nature, but as often as not, your cheerful, outgoing appearance hides a much more complex and inward-turned personality.However, the disadvantage of this duality is that you may feel pressured to sustain an image that you don't truly feel within. However, for true and lasting communication, you must establish inner rapport with your partners; that will determine the success of the relationship.

Sun in Taurus

You are a meat-and-potatoes person when it comes to loving, possessing both consistency and endurance.You are very good-hearted and generous with your lover and will go to any length to lavish favors on your partner. In return, you expect great loyalty and consistency more than physical generosity, although you do prefer a physically demonstrative partner.You would do well to choose a lover who is emotionally adaptable, for you are not one to give in very much.The ideal partner for you would be someone who enjoys sexual variety, someone who can introduce you to new and exciting forms of lovemaking.Unlike some others, you seldom fall into the trap of jealousy, for you value your lover's feelings about you more than technical chastity or faithfulness. For this reason, you are one of the most easy-going partners a person could have.

Sun in the Tenth House

Probably you will find people to become personally involved with at your place of work rather than at a social gathering.Whether or not you deserve it, you probably have quite a reputation as a good lover, because others tend to believe only the best that they hear about you.It would be wise to keep weeknights for yourself, reserving weekends and holidays for entertaining a lover; then you can put your full self into it. Otherwise you may find that your business life is always in conflict with your love life, and both areas suffer.

Moon in Aries

You are a highly responsive person who tends to make lightning decisions in matters of the heart.With you, an affair does not usually build up gradually; it begins full force and continues with high-keyed intensity. Your lover may not have as much energy and may find your pace wearing after a time.You have a special talent for keeping the spirit of an affair fresh.A natural leader in love, you always have fresh and interesting ways to express yourself and your affections. Just be sure that your partner can keep up with your stride.

Moon in the Eighth House

You are drawn to deep, internalized, somewhat mysterious relationships on a very high level of emotional intensity. However, you must make an extra effort to stay in control of the situation so you aren't swept away by the emotional storms you create.When a relationship does get out of hand for some reason, the best solution is to demystify it by simply talking out the problems.The more skilled your lover, the better, because physical gratification is highly rewarding to you. The more you can develop it, the more the relationship will flourish.

Venus in Taurus

Your appetite for love is fairly consistent, and ideally you should have a lover whose style is consistent from day to day.Your physical surroundings are a gold mine of sensory potential for enhancing sexuality.You need to admire your partner and feel sure that he or she is durable and independent. It would take a larger-than-life personality to fulfill your ideal, so try to be understanding when your partner doesn't live up to your highest expectations - nobody's perfect.

Venus in the Ninth House

You have an innate appreciation of anything new and special in a relationship, and sex at its best is a constant adventure for you. What you want is a continually fresh emotional attitude to love that does not get into a rut.You may find that quality in a relationship that is an adventure and a learning experience in itself. A foreign lover or one who is culturally different from you might be very exciting and challenging.

Mars in Aquarius

Your style of expression is multifaceted, and you focus on exploring a number of forms of fulfillment rather than developing one particular area. Ideally, you should find a partner who wants to be as wide-ranging as you are, combining variety with truly satisfying intimacy.You go out of your way to discover and fulfill all your lover's fantasies. But be sure to avoid jealous lovers, for you must remain free to express your personality, even if you do not choose to exercise that freedom.

Mars in the Sixth House

Your style of lovemaking is quite specific, with content and technique rather closely tied together.You may at times lack spontaneity and, indeed, you are best off when you can draw that from your partner.You probably enjoy quite specific and detailed fantasy scenarios and are most fulfilled by a lover who joins into such games with creativity and gusto. Don't worry if your fantasies are out of line with so-called normal expression. Only when your full sexuality comes totally alive will you find the fulfillment and self-understanding that you seek.

Planetary positions

planet sign degree house motion

Sun Taurus 29°01'40 10 direct

Moon Aries 07°08'38 08 direct

Mercury Taurus 03°39'10 09 direct

Venus Taurus 02°37'50 09 direct

Mars Aquarius 08°14'36 06 direct

Jupiter Sagittarius 01°55'54 04 retrograde

Saturn Taurus 26°20'57 10 direct

Uranus Libra 09°45'47 02 retrograde

Neptune Sagittarius 01°46'54 04 retrograde

Pluto Virgo 27°03'55 02 retrograde

True Node Aquarius 18°08'05 06 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)

Ascendant Leo 25°24'37

2nd House Virgo 18°21'13

3rd House Libra 16°18'33

Imum Coeli Scorpio 19°14'03

5th House Sagittarius 24°09'40

6th House Capricorn 26°46'46

Descendant Aquarius 25°24'37

8th House Pisces 18°21'13

9th House Aries 16°18'33

Medium Coeli Taurus 19°14'03

11th House Gemini 24°09'40

12th House Cancer 26°46'46

Major aspects

Sun Opposition Jupiter 2°54

Sun Conjunction Saturn 2°41

Sun Opposition Neptune 2°45

Sun Trine Pluto 1°58

Sun Square Ascendant 3°37

Moon Sextile Mars 1°06

Moon Trine Jupiter 5°13

Moon Opposition Uranus 2°37

Moon Trine Neptune 5°22

Mercury Conjunction Venus 1°01

Mercury Square Mars 4°35

Mercury Quincunx Jupiter 1°43

Mercury Quincunx Neptune 1°52

Venus Square Mars 5°37

Venus Quincunx Jupiter 0°42

Venus Quincunx Neptune 0°51

Mars Trine Uranus 1°31

Jupiter Opposition Saturn 5°35

Jupiter Conjunction Neptune 0°09

Jupiter Sextile Pluto 4°52

Saturn Opposition Neptune 5°26

Saturn Trine Pluto 0°43

Saturn Square Ascendant 0°56

Neptune Sextile Pluto 4°43

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