Sunday, February 26, 2006
Jeff Green - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Jeff Green
6 September 1962
Theme: Sore points
During this time a particular sore point of yours is disturbed, a sensitivity or vulnerability that you may not be aware of. So it may well be that you react as you have perhaps always reacted to such situations: You are distressed, hurt, you distance yourself and forget the incident as quickly as possible. If you do not react by withdrawing as you usually do, but instead show that you have been hurt, you will earn the freedom to behave differently in this, for you, typical situation. That is, of course, easier said than done, but this influence offers you an outstanding opportunity to stand far enough outside yourself to show your own injuries. If you recognize the situation in question and react to it, you will win new strength and confidence.
Joe Nemechek - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Joe Nemechek
26 September 1963
Theme: A fresh breeze ***
Valid during many months:
This influence stimulates your emotional life. You will experience your own feelings and allow yourself to look at the world subjectively. Your own inner feelings and your attitudes toward the world will seem as important as whatever you consider to be true or real in the external world. At this time you feel what you want to feel. This effect manifests itself in a variety of ways. First of all, you will demand more emotional satisfaction in your relationships. It will not be enough for a relationship simply to go on as it has. If your existing friendships and love relationships do not meet your needs, you will find new ones that do. Your goal is freedom of emotional self-expression and experience.
Another manifestation of this influence is that you are likely to make changes in your home environment, demanding that it too be more emotionally satisfying. At this time it is not enough that your house is adequate to keep out the rain. You want it to be as interesting and stimulating as any other aspect of your life.
As your ability to experience your inner life is stimulated, your imagination will also be stimulated. You will see how you can make your life more interesting in areas that you had never considered before. Also the intellectual and emotional functions of your mind are more unified now. This is an extremely good time for creative work, not because it directly stimulates creativity, but because it makes you see and feel from new perspectives, which gives your creative work a new freshness and innovative quality.
**Other Aspects:
Moon Conjunction Saturn, exact at 08:23
Martin Truex Jr. - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Martin Truex JR
29 June 1980
Theme: Just having fun
Valid during several months: This is an excellent influence for good times, entertaining and just having fun. Before you plan any hard work for this period, keep in mind that you are likely to put self- gratification and pleasure before work. You may find it difficult to put off something that you want to do in order to fulfill some duty. But this in not selfishness on your part, for you are quite capable of being generous and giving to others. You are more openly affectionate than usual and feel real love for the people around you. It is just that this aspect of your life - love, affection and pleasure - is more important to you now than work. This is a good time to party. You will derive much pleasure now.
Dale Earnhardt Jr. - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Dale Earnhardt Jr
10 October 1974
Theme: The world as it is
Today feelings of inadequacy or futility may tempt you to avoid direct confrontations with people and even to take more devious courses of action than usual. The responsibility for such tactics lies directly on your head, so don't be surprised if they work against your best interests. It is possible that this influence will stimulate your innate idealism, which is by no means bad and could produce a beautiful moment in your life today. But it could also make you want to reach for unrealizable goals, which is particularly discouraging in view of the low energies you probably feel. Use your common sense even about ideals, and above all, deal with the real world as it is, not as you would like it to be. You can work to make it what you want, but don't assume that it already is.
Jeff Gordon - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Jeff Gordon
4 August 1971
Theme: Obstacles ***
This may be a somewhat difficult day, full of frustration and irritating occurrences. Do not plan to launch any daring or risky activity, because the chances are that you will not succeed. Your energies do not have the necessary vigor or power. It is better to concentrate upon routine activities that require you to follow a well-established pattern. Other people may seem unusually irritating to you today. They may seem to be trying to "get your goat," or worse, to be taking actions that are quite destructive to you and your interests. You feel angry, but this influence does not often give you the opportunity to express your anger. You may be forced to seethe in silence, although it is not a good idea to let the energy just sit inside you. It can become physically destructive.
***Other Aspects:
Sun Opposition Mercury, exact at 08:35
Moon Conjunction Mars, exact at 07:42
Moon Square Jupiter, exact at 20:52
***Moon Trine Ascendant, exact at 11:11***
Moon in the 5th House, exact at 20:34
Moon Sextile Chiron, exact at 00:14
Kyle Busch - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Kyle Busch
2 May 1985
Theme: Loaded with energy ***
Ego energies and physical energies run very high during this time. You will feel positively loaded with energy, for which you must find an adequate outlet, or you will have problems. The best way to handle this influence is to do some necessary heavy physical work. But that will work out only if you derive satisfaction from doing it. Sports, if you are at all athletic, is an excellent outlet. If you just sit around, you will begin to feel itchy and restless for no apparent reason and then become quite irritable. In this mood you will snap at anyone who comes along for no reason at all. This time is quite good for initiating any new project on your own. It is a time of beginnings, and you should use it for that purpose, particularly for projects that you will be identified with and be given credit for.
***Other Aspects:
Mercury Trine Saturn, exact at 17:29
Moon Square Saturn, exact at 19:18
Moon Sextile Uranus, exact at 05:56
Moon Conjunction Jupiter, exact at 02:42
Moon Sextile Mercury, exact at 03:13
Elliot Sadler - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Elliot Sadler
30 April 1975
Theme: Intense feelings **
Weak, transient effect: This influence normally indicates a few hours of unusually intense feelings. Today during the day you will have a strong desire to know yourself and to experience life largely through the emotion. This is probably not the best time for work that requires a completely clear and dispassionate state of consciousness, but you will not feel like doing that kind of work anyway. You will want to engage your emotions in whatever you do, and you will experience a richness of feeling and inner life that is satisfying in itself. This influence is good for any business matters concerning the general public or for any situation in which you have to appear before the public or a large group. Otherwise it is not an influence that stimulates drive and ambition.
**Other Aspects:
Uranus Sextile Moon, exact at 20:32
Venus Square Chiron, exact at 07:00
Moon Square Mercury, exact at 17:39
Moon Trine Venus, exact at 12:27
Moon in the 8th House, exact at 20:51
Moon Sextile Chiron, exact at 20:57
Dale Jarrett - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Dale Jarrett
26 November 1956
Theme: General disagreement **
On the negative side, this can be a time of furious conflict with others. Recent actions by you or by other people may have created energies that lead to anger, rage and general disagreement between you and others. If you have not been careful to enlist people to your side in any work that required your individual initiative and if you have alienated them thereby, you may find now that the forces of opposition have become too great to control. Thus this influence can represent your defeat in some matter. If you yourself have not taken the initiative and have remained largely inactive, this influence will stir up all manner of subconscious energies that will make you irritable and difficult to get along with. You will feel this most strongly in all intimate one-to-one relationships.
** Other aspects:
Mercury Conjunction Mars, exact at 05:33
Venus Sextile Mars, exact at 23:15
Moon Conjunction Ascendant, exact at 04:47
Moon in the 1st House, exact at 04:47
Moon Sextile Mercury, exact at 00:46
Kurt Busch - California
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Kurt Busch
4 August 1978
Theme: Usually highly beneficial
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day your moods are quite deep and your emotions powerful. If you are aware, all your contacts at this time will show you how your emotional state affects other people. This can be either good or bad, but the growth in consciousness is usually very beneficial. One problem with this influence, however, is that you find it difficult to see any point of view but your own. Also, in dealings with a group there is a danger that you will feel that your own interests and desires are opposed to theirs, thus creating more potential for disagreement. You must learn to detach yourself somewhat in order to observe your feelings in action. Otherwise you will not be able afterwards to evaluate what you saw.
Other Major Asprects today:
Moon Trine Ascendant, exact at 21:19
Moon Trine Pluto, exact at 01:16
Moon Sextile Neptune, exact at 03:22
Matt Kenseth - California Speedway
** Again I say....I do not make this up. As above so below...
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Matt Kenseth
10 March 1972
Theme: Letting off steam
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day there is a real danger of needless disputes, irritability, emotionalism, rash action and hastiness, which may result in harm or inconvenience later. You will find it difficult to handle other people for awhile. One of the challenges now is to successfully let off steam without making an unnecessary shambles. If you frequently feel somewhat discouraged about yourself, you should be especially careful with this influence. You may see everything that comes your way as a threat and react much too defensively. If you have a bolder and more self-confident temperament, you may be inclined to act too quickly, to be hasty and overcritical of others. Or you may be accident prone. With this influence, you are not as careful as you should be, and you might hurt yourself.
Other Transits Today:
Moon Trine Uranus, exact at 14:02 (**this does not help anything in the temper arena**)
Moon in the 9th House, exact at 21:51
Moon Sextile Chiron, exact at 05:23
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Matt Kenseth
10 March 1972
Theme: Letting off steam
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day there is a real danger of needless disputes, irritability, emotionalism, rash action and hastiness, which may result in harm or inconvenience later. You will find it difficult to handle other people for awhile. One of the challenges now is to successfully let off steam without making an unnecessary shambles. If you frequently feel somewhat discouraged about yourself, you should be especially careful with this influence. You may see everything that comes your way as a threat and react much too defensively. If you have a bolder and more self-confident temperament, you may be inclined to act too quickly, to be hasty and overcritical of others. Or you may be accident prone. With this influence, you are not as careful as you should be, and you might hurt yourself.
Other Transits Today:
Moon Trine Uranus, exact at 14:02 (**this does not help anything in the temper arena**)
Moon in the 9th House, exact at 21:51
Moon Sextile Chiron, exact at 05:23
Mark Martin - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Mark Martin
9 January 1959
Theme: Positive thinking
Valid during several weeks: This is an excellent time for making plans for the future and creating organizational systems, as well as for all other intellectual and mental efforts. However, there is a tendency to avoid really difficult mental or intellectual problems, taking the easy way out instead. But if you can create the proper sense of discipline, you should be able to overcome these negative effects and make this a day of very creative mental activity. This influence opens up and sharpens your mind so that you see, even if subliminally, all the possibilities inherent in a situation. This enables you to turn it to your best advantage. Also this influence gives you a well-founded feeling of optimism, which in turn creates the well-known "power of positive thinking."
Carl Edwards - California Speedway
Sunday, 26 February 2006
Carl Edwards
15 August 1979
Theme: Mental work
This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work, especially if you have to plan a future course of action with decisiveness and firmness. You will be in a positive mood and have great confidence in your position, which will enable you to make a positive impression and probably convince people of your point of view. This influence also favors working with others in a cooperative planning venture. You can make plans together or hash out differences of opinion in such a way that you make your point without anyone else feeling threatened. This is a good time for traveling in connection with your work. Because your energy level is high, you are restless to get things done. During this couple of days you will feel confident of yourself, your ideas and the effect you make when talking with people.
Other aspects :
Moon Square Uranus, exact at 07:36
Moon Opposition Venus, exact at 11:30
Moon Opposition Jupiter, exact at 13:03
Moon Opposition Sun, exact at 15:45
Moon Trine Pluto, exact at 07:35
Moon Sextile Neptune, exact at 08:41
Moon Square Chiron, exact at 02:33