Sunday, February 26, 2006


Kyle Busch - California Speedway

Sunday, 26 February 2006

Kyle Busch

2 May 1985

Theme: Loaded with energy ***
Ego energies and physical energies run very high during this time. You will feel positively loaded with energy, for which you must find an adequate outlet, or you will have problems. The best way to handle this influence is to do some necessary heavy physical work. But that will work out only if you derive satisfaction from doing it. Sports, if you are at all athletic, is an excellent outlet. If you just sit around, you will begin to feel itchy and restless for no apparent reason and then become quite irritable. In this mood you will snap at anyone who comes along for no reason at all. This time is quite good for initiating any new project on your own. It is a time of beginnings, and you should use it for that purpose, particularly for projects that you will be identified with and be given credit for.

***Other Aspects:
Mercury Trine Saturn, exact at 17:29
Moon Square Saturn, exact at 19:18
Moon Sextile Uranus, exact at 05:56
Moon Conjunction Jupiter, exact at 02:42
Moon Sextile Mercury, exact at 03:13

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