Saturday, March 18, 2006
Carl Edwards - Atlanta
Saturday, 18 March 2006
Carl Edwards, born 15 August 1979
Theme: No chance
At this time feelings, desires and moods pull you in a direction which is not very beneficial for you and could easily undermine your self-confidence. It is hard to say what form this actually takes. Maybe you buy some clothes in which you look a bit strange, or you challenge someone to a game which you have absolutely no chance of winning. One way or another you could be subconsciously determined to make yourself a laughing stock or show yourself up. It is possible that you do this not to yourself but, unintentionally, to someone else. Fortunately, this influence is very weak and lasts at most half a day.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Theme: Thinking small
Valid during many months: This is a time of serious, heavy, even pessimistic thinking.
Communication with others becomes more significant, but also more difficult. In fact this influence often means saying goodbye. You take life more seriously than usual and look at things more seriously, but you run the risk of losing your sense of perspective. Your mental and intellectual viewpoint is narrowed by this influence. You are likely to concern yourself with a smaller range of ideas, but you are more likely to think about them thoroughly.
You are beginning a major new cycle of ideas and opinions, of communicating in new ways. This consumes your mental energy and limits your ability to range over a large number of topics. Also you root out old ideas and notions that have outlived their usefulness in your life. Your mind is very disciplined, but with this discipline and narrowing of focus there is the danger of thinking too narrowly. You may overlook important alternatives because of your tendency to concentrate single-mindedly at this time. Also, with your tendency toward depressed thoughts you may overlook possibilities that seem too idealistic or risky; probably they are not at all it is just that you are thinking "small."
Nevertheless this is an excellent time for working a single idea through completely, planning very carefully and realizing ideas that can have important consequences many years from now.
When dealing with yourself and others, be careful that you do not become too concerned with an unattainable perfection. One effect of the this influence can be to make you too exacting and critical, with the result that you alienate others.