Sunday, March 12, 2006


Kasey Kahne ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Kasey Kahne 10 April 1980

Theme: Sharing the day
Today you tend to attract circumstances, persons or objects, including money, that can be useful later on. This is a spontaneously "lucky" influence.
The quotation marks around "lucky" mean that it is not so much luck that helps you as your attitude of relaxation and willingness to let your life flow without the tension of resistance. Many things are prevented from entering people's lives because they are too tense to let them in. At other times you might unconsciously alienate a potentially helpful person, or you might be too cautious or overlook an opportunity because of tension. This influence helps to prevent such negative states of consciousness.
This is an extremely favorable influence for close relationships and one-to-one encounters of any sort. A marriage or love relationship should go smoothly today, with both of you showing a great deal of affection. If there are any difficulties between you, smooth them out today, because neither of you will want to argue. You will both be much more interested in making peace. This is also an excellent time to make an agreeable impression on someone new. If you have to work within a partnership, where keeping the peace is an important factor in your success, this is an excellent day. Any persons who are normally difficult to deal with will be easy to handle today. This is not a good time to be alone. You are in the mood for relating, and the day will not be complete in any way unless you share it.

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