Saturday, March 18, 2006
Elliot Sadler - Atlanta
Saturday, 18 March 2006
Elliot Sadler, born 30 April 1975
Theme: A marvelous effect
This influence arouses the creative and romantic imagination, either giving you a greater appreciation for and sensitivity to beauty, with a strong desire to be surrounded by it, or sending you off into a pleasant daydream. If you experience the first response, make an effort to expose yourself to art, music or poetry today, because they will have a marvelous effect upon your consciousness. Aspects of reality and perception that you are normally not aware of are yours under this influence. Even placing yourself in beautiful surroundings, such as a pleasant country spot, a beautiful garden or a striking landscape, will have a very powerful effect upon you. In relationships this influence gives you an acute sensitivity to the needs and feelings of your loved ones.
Sunday, 19 March 2006
Theme: New horizons
Valid during several weeks: During this time you should attempt to broaden your horizons in every way possible through study, new and unfamiliar experiences, travel or by meeting people from totally different backgrounds. Strive to make even the most trivial encounter a positive learning experience. The same function can be served by doing things that are different from your normal routine. This is not the time to retreat to your home, except for reading or study, as mentioned. If you cannot get interested in a new mental activity, recognize that you are still eager for new understanding and satisfy this need by breaking out of your everyday mold and getting out into the broader world. Travel would be a good way to do this, if you can arrange for it at this time of year. But you should go somewhere where you can also learn something.