Sunday, March 12, 2006


Michael Waltrip ~ Las Vegas

Sunday, 12 March 2006
Michael Waltrip 30 April 1963

You feel contented and benevolent under this influence. You are at peace with the world and want to share your feelings with everyone whom you meet. Friends, in particular, may be the beneficiaries of your generosity, as you may benefit from theirs. In either case you both will benefit, because everything done under this influence becomes a fair exchange in the long run. This time is favorable for all financial enterprises, especially those involving foreign investments, medicine or the law. Any legal matters decided during this time will also work out to your benefit. A new friendship or love relationship that begins now will be beneficial. Such a relationship will bring out your best qualities and can truly be described as a growth relationship. You are attracted to high-minded and upright people.

This next aspect starts tomorrow in Mikeys life and lasts for several months. I thought it would be interesting to post today and then keep an eye on it.

Incidents and red faces...
Valid during many months: This influence indicates no particular event, but rather a small, hardly noticeable incident that one could so easily overlook or cover up that in many cases it is not really consciously acknowledged and therefore remains unrecognized. Such an incident is to be expected while window shopping, at the cinema or theater, enjoying the nightlife or otherwise amused. Friends, acquaintances, or perhaps your partner are possibly with you. Through a careless remark, a slight clumsiness, or a wrong word without bad intent, you suddenly find yourself in an embarrassing situation, feel yourself hurt or belittled. Characteristically, only you are affected, as a particular sensitivity was disturbed - therefore the others will probably not have noticed anything.
If you react in an injured manner, demand apologies or become aggressive, this will probably only cause further, unnecessary pain for you. As you have already often experienced similar situations before, and are presumably aware of the fact that this incident was completely unintended, you will keep yourself under control, keep quiet about the affair and not let it show. It is probably better this way - why spoil everyone's fun just at this moment? Nevertheless, you should not just leave things at that and should later, at the right moment, talk it over with your partner or someone else close to you. You should at the very least find a quiet moment to think over the incident, as it points to a particular oversensitivity and could, under other circumstances, lead to a complete overreaction. The more you find out about this personal sensitivity the easier it will be to accept it. Then you could go one step further and explain this singularity to your friends or partner, so that they know what to watch out for.

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