Sunday, March 12, 2006


Kevin Harvick ~ Las Vegas

12 March 2006
Kevin Harvick 8 December 1975

At its highest, this influence indicates an unusual degree of selflessness in love. In personal relationships, the need to care for someone else may mean that you will not get immediate gratification other than the pleasure of helping someone you love. If your relationship is basically sound, this influence will assure greater rewards of love and satisfaction later. Although this is a time for self-denial in love relationships, do not fall into the negative trap of playing martyr. Do not inflict on others, especially the ones you are helping, a constant awareness that you are "unselfishly" devoting yourself to them. This will undo your efforts and create trouble. If you cannot service with a true spirit of selfless devotion, do nothing.

Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen.

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