Saturday, February 25, 2006


Ryan Newman - California Speedway

Sunday, 26 February 2006

Ryan Newman

8 December 1977

Theme: Enlightened self-interest
This influence usually signifies a day of great activity in several areas of your life. You feel a great need to exercise your will and to determine where you are going and what you are doing. Often this is a day of hard work in your profession. But you will be motivated by tasks that relate to your own personal objectives. Therefore this can also be a day of conflict with others, arising from what they consider your selfishness and excessive self- involvement. Or as you pursue your own goals you may come into conflict with another whose goals are not in harmony with yours. No matter which of these alternatives you encounter, this is a time for enlightened self- interest. But you must continually remember the people around you and be very careful not to alienate them any more than necessary.

Other transits of the day
Moon Square Moon, exact at 09:52
Moon Conjunction Ascendant, exact at 13:19
Moon Trine Pluto, exact at 07:10
Moon in the 1st House, exact at 13:19
Moon Sextile Neptune, exact at 06:40 Moon Sextile Sun, exact at 07:39
Moon Square Uranus, exact at 03:56

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